1:1 Individual Online Mentorship Program
Work with me through a personalised 1:1 Individually Tailored Program.
- Are wanting to explore core-shamanic practices and how to use them for personal healing, connection and empowerment
- Want to deepen their connection with spirit, life & nature
- Are wanting to up-level and empower every aspect of their life
- Are seeking ways to create abundance
- Are wanting to understand the ‘medicine’ or ‘power’, they carry within
- Are wanting to explore their potential to create a life of purpose, power & meaning

What this means is that the promises I have made to you regarding time commitments, follow-up with emails, check-ins and making sure that you stay focused on the commitments that you have made to yourself for the personal mastery program is of utmost importance to me.
If for any reason you are not able to attend a session, it is your responsibility to inform me in advance and to follow up with rescheduling our session together.
60 minute – fortnightly 1:1 meeting via zoom
Weekly check-ins/ goal setting
Dates & Time:
Together we will work out a day/ time that suits both of us.
Regular Check-In:
We’ll be checking in with each other regularly to set personal goals, focus on outcomes and celebrate your successes. This proven method is incredibly powerful at keeping you on-path and accomplishing what you want to create.
** Unlimited access to email support.
3x month 1:1 Personal Mastery Mentorship, 2024:
PAID IN FULL: €1,500 – that’s €250/ session/ every fortnight
6x month 1:1 Personal Mastery Mentorship, 2024:
PAID IN FULL: €2, 600 – that’s €220/ session/ every fortnight
9x month 1:1 Personal Mastery Mentorship, 2024:
PAID IN FULL: €3,240 – that’s €180/ session/ every fortnight
The goals I set for myself were achieved and this has had a huge impact in my personal and family life. I have started my own business from the clarity, insight and skill I learnt in my mentorship. The transformations and growth I also witnessed within the lives of my sisters in the group has been so fulfilling. Thank you Beáta for your love, compassion, strength and guidance. I will be forever grateful to you.”
In Beata`s Women’s Mentorship I have matured so much. I feel I have finally become a Woman who knows her truth, knows her heart, knows her power, leaving the `good girl` behind. I embrace my weaknesses and strengths equally and I no longer look around for approval. Thank you, Beata, for the incredible journey we shared together. I will forever be grateful for your presence in my life.”