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A Medicine Retreat for Women

Toulouse, France| 11th – 16th June 2025

This powerful women’s retreat will be focused on earth-centred practices and deep ceremonial work with ancestral plant wisdom.

Meeting with a group of like-minded women for a common purpose, is a powerful way to transform your own life through the encouragement, love and support of Sisterhood.

In a safe and supportive environment, we’ll also be working with various group practices to foster personal transformation, empowerment and inner-growth.

This retreat is an exquisite combination of Ceremonies, Rituals, Modalities and Facilitators to support you to embody your highest creative potential.

They are energetic weavings designed to support you in understanding your gifts, gain clarity on your life path and purpose & free you from limiting patterns, beliefs and conditioning.

We heal ancestral lines, rekindle our relationship with nature and spirit, and awaken our intuitive wisdom.

AND, we have lots of fun!

This is true sovereignty.

Women on our retreats leave feeling awakened, empowered and ready to step into their CREATIVE POTENTIAL!

Are you ready to learn more?

A personal note from me:

 “I have so much gratitude for this Master Plant, it has been such a loving guide, wise elder and teacher in my life.

My work with this ancestral medicine has helped me heal deep trauma, connect to my purpose, and support me to remember my innate connection to All.

My prayer is to see the awareness and respect for sacred plant teachers as valuable doorways for healing and personal awareness continue to grow throughout our western culture.

Humanity is deeply in need of healing, and I truly believe that these ancestral visionary medicines hold incredible potential for waking us up from the slumbering state that has many hypnotically sleepwalking towards our own destruction, as well as the demise of the natural world.

I believe that natural medicines such as this can help us remember the truth of who we are, our divine purpose, and the unique gifts we each are born with.

When we heal ourselves, we heal the world around us.”

~ Beáta Alföldi ~


I believe that personal transformation is the only way to greater consciousness and a better world, and that working consciously with ancestral plant wisdom, is one of the most effective tools for bringing about that change.

I am in a unique position to offer deeply rewarding work with this master plant teacher. I share with you a culture, a language and a mindset. Years of personal work and training with ancestral medicines have rendered me an ‘initiate’ of a kind.

I’m a Medicine Woman, shamanic practitioner, spiritual guide, workshop facilitator and seer, and have discovered a way for the western mind to navigate and dialogue with the wonders, insights and healing capacities of this potent Ancestral Medicine.

Most of us live in the world of the senses and believe that only the things we can see, touch and hear are ‘real’. Westerners don’t easily accept the world of Spirit as ‘real’ and we generally are resistant to it.

Yet there is a way to understand, to connect and embrace the world of the intangible through deep work with the wisdom of this master plant.

This is what I offer you: an approach that will grant you an entrée into the world of Spirit of which you are an intimate part.

Come explore the world of infinite possibilities and profound healing.

The Focus:

Working with ancestral plant wisdom, is the path of profound healing through the heart. It is the work of the heart not the mind, so ‘feeling the call’ to work with a master plant is a feeling that defies words and reason.

It is a call from the depth of your Soul.

For those of us crossing paths with this wonder in any way – meeting someone who has taken it, watching a documentary, reading an article – it’s because our spirits are prodding us toward a tool that right now, at this moment in our lives, can work for us.

That is what I personally believe. If you wish to heal and live through the heart, expand your consciousness and be all you can be – join us for this extraordinary retreat experience!

This is a one-of-a-kind journey that will turn your life around: an extraordinary retreat with ancestral plant wisdom led by a deeply experienced facilitator.

I share retreats around the world using a range of earth-centred practices and skilled processes to prepare you to take maximum advantage of the journey.

What’s important to me is that I can send you home, knowing that you’re well equipped to translate what you’ve learned into long-lasting and effective change in your life.

This retreat is set in the South of France on a private, family-owned property; surrounded by birdsong, warmth, beauty and nature.


Working with ancestral plant wisdom, immerses you in a space both natural and sacred, wherein you discover the essence and interconnectedness of life. However, to successfully navigate this space you need careful guidance to avoid disappointment, frustration or confusion. Preparation prior to the ceremony is therefore a key element so that you can access the remarkable characteristics of this potent plant.

Integrating this experience means making it “real” and part of your everyday life. Sharing with others and witnessing within a group context are fundamental to making sense of the messages, visions and revelations that the ceremony has offered. The processes used during this integration period are an extension of the experience.

An ancestral plant wisdom ceremony is a powerful heart-opening journey for seekers ready to explore their capacity to live a fulfilled, joyful and meaningful life. The fundamental aspects of this event is the ceremonial work itself, as well as the rituals that empower it and offer each person a sacred and safe container for personal transformation.

Potent Transformation
Working with earth-centred practices in a sacred context, offers an opportunity to bring about profound transformation in your life. Past participants have reported deep and permanent change well beyond my retreats.

Physical Healing
Relief from depression, asthma, anxiety, sleeping disorders, PTSD, fibromyalgia, addictions, heart disorders, diabetes and much more.

Improved Vitality
Improvements in mental functioning and ability to focus; inspiration, intuition, creativity, joy and general lightening of spirit and self.

Heal Emotional Blocks
Heal grief from loss, illness or broken relationships and experience heart opening and a greater capacity to love and re-connect with self, others and nature.

Clarify Life Purpose
Receive clarity of your life’s vision and purpose and experience a much higher rate of synchronicities. Experience improved confidence and trust, healing of all your relationships, deeper communication and the return of self-love and self-worth.

Discover Community
A retreat centred around ancestral medicine, ceremony and ritual brings women together from across the globe, creating a sense of community wherein we find our uniqueness and common bond as humans.



My Plant Wisdom Intensives include a selection of shamanic processes and topics for discussion from among those listed below. The choices for a given group are dictated by the energies, needs and nature of the individuals in the group.


  • 2 Ancestral Plant Wisdom Ceremonies
  • 1 Cacao Ceremony
  • Movement Practices
  • Rapeh (shamanic snuff)
  • Shamanic Drum Journeys
  • Preparation and Integration work
  • Ancestral Lineage clearing
  • Sound Healing, and lots of other pleasant surprises…
Together we’ll share:
  • Altered states of consciousness
  • Extraordinary people
  • Delicious nutritious meals
  • Spiritual awakening
  • Ancestral medicine
  • Letting go of limiting beliefs
  • The true meaning of our shared humanity
  • The healing of old traumas
  • Shamanic perception
  • Earth-centred practices
  • A connection to everything and everyone
  • An appreciation of nature on a cellular level
  • Drum journeys and guided meditations
  • Sharing in sacred circles
  • Conversations from the depths of our hearts
  • Lots of ‘belly laughs’!
  • Altered states of consciousness
  • Extraordinary people
  • Delicious nutritious meals
  • Spiritual awakening
  • Ancestral medicine
  • Letting go of limiting beliefs
  • The true meaning of our shared humanity
  • The healing of old traumas
  • Shamanic perception
  • Earth-centred practices
  • A connection to everything and everyone
  • An appreciation of nature on a cellular level
  • Drum journeys and guided meditations
  • Sharing in sacred circles
  • Conversations from the depths of our hearts
  • Lots of ‘belly laughs’!


Retreats take place in a retreat centre sited for its natural beauty, and we work to keep the energy high and clear. The centre is located in the South of France with shared rooms, a pool, WIFI and a beautiful space for all our ceremonies and group practices. The property is far from the noisy crowd and alive with the murmurings of Mother Earth; a stress-free environment that is energetically contained, created consciously and sustained by Nature.


Accommodation consists of various options to suit every budget.

1. SHARED ROOMS: There are 3x shared bedrooms in the main house with 2 x beds each – all with private ensuite bathrooms. Price per person: 53€/ night

2. WOODEN ROULOTTES: 4x small wooden double roulottes with 2x single beds each – with shared bathrooms and toilets. Price per person: 43€/ night

3. DORMITORY: 5 x bed dormitory with an en-suite bathroom. Price per person: 33€/ night

4. MEZZANINE BEDROOM: 1 x double bedroom with a private bathroom for a couple or single. Single: 63€/ night. Couple: 66€/ night.

5. GYPSY WAGON: A charming double bed gypsy wagon set in nature with shared bathrooms and toilets. Single person only: 53€/ night.

The retreat centre is intended for healing and seeded with stones, prayers and crystals. A pool is set just off the workshop studio with gardens, a small lake and lush green areas on the property.


Please contact me directly to reserve your accommodation via email:

22 spaces available!


The diet for our retreat will be mainly vegetarian, which we may modify slightly with the occasional fish or egg dish. Our meals are homemade, and we work with regional fruit, vegetables and herbs in novel and traditional combinations. Some light fasting on ceremony days is required.

*If you have special dietary needs, advise us and we’ll work with you.

Retreat Venue:


Closest International Airport & Train Station: Toulouse, France.

*** Our beautiful retreat centre is located in a lush nature reserve just 45 minutes from Toulouse International Airport

We can send you the contact details of our private transport company to collect you from the airport and bring you to and from the retreat venue.



EARLY BIRD – 1, 250€ (Before 20th Dec 2024)

  • EARLY BIRD PRICE: 1,250€
  • EARLY-BIRD PAYMENT PLAN: 2 x installments of 375€ after initial deposit

PLEASE NOTE: A NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT OF 500€ IS DUE ON REGISTRATION. Bookings are essential as spaces are limited!

*** Please note: Make sure you have read my conditions of refund and cancellation for all my events. By clicking on the button ADD TO CART, you agree to my Terms and Conditions.


FULL PRICE: 1, 500€ 

  • REGULAR PRICE: 1,500€
  • FULL PRICE PAYMENT PLAN: 2 x installments of 500€ after initial deposit

PLEASE NOTE: A NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT OF 500€ IS DUE ON REGISTRATION. Bookings are essential as spaces are limited!

*** Please note: Make sure you have read my conditions of refund and cancellation for all my events. By clicking on the button ADD TO CART, you agree to my Terms and Conditions.

Join us for:

A 6-day Medicine Retreat for Women.
Two plant wisdom ceremonies, one cacao ceremony and a series of shamanic interactive practices for preparation and integration, with all meals included.

Not Included in the Price: Accommodation, Airfares and Transport.


8:00am: Teas & juice

9:00am: Preparation

10:00am – 5:00pm: Daytime Plant Wisdom Ceremony

5:00pm: Snacks after ceremony

7:00pm: Full Dinner

*** Our evening ceremony will be held at night – 9PM- 4AM




Medicine Woman, Shamanic Practitioner, Retreat Leader, Author, Healer, Ceremonialist and Keynote Speaker

Born in Hungary, Beáta is an international retreat leader, medicine woman and workshop facilitator, with a gift for assisting individuals through deep transformation. She facilitates private sessions, classes, workshops, international retreats and online programs. Beata created the ‘Integral Woman’ program for the Awareness Institute in Sydney and has also facilitated many transformational retreats in Australia, Peru, Mexico, Europe and Bali. Beata has offered workshops and given presentations at the Eclipse Festival, Subsonic Music Festival, Rainbow Serpent Festival and Byron Spirit Festival. She was also invited to contribute a chapter to the book Shamanism for the New Millennium, which became an Amazon #1 Bestseller and is featured in the documentary film – ‘The Heroine’s Journey’ which is due to be released in 2023. Beáta lives in the mountains of Portugal and travels to Central and South America every year. She is passionate about inspiring individuals to find the courage to live a life that is authentic, free, empowered and radiantly alive.



Singer, dancer, and percussionist. Réka is originally from Transylvania. She balances the traditional, ancient ways of singing with a more contemporary use of voice and sound.

Through her craft, Réka explores the relationship between space and sound. Inspired by environmental, and natural sounds, the human experience, connections and movement. In her teaching and performance, her tools are radical improvisation and the exploration and surpassing of our boundaries, in order to inhabit and embody more of ourselves, for our wellbeing, healing and personal transformation.



Originally from Portugal, Ariana has been intrigued by the mysteries of life and death from an early age. She continues to explore personal, emotional and spiritual development  for individual transformation and healing.

Ariana is an eternal apprentice of Earth Medicines and their ancestral and shamanic practices. She has found through shamanic, earth-centred practices a way to express herself and create safe spaces in ceremonies and rituals. As a certified shamanic practitioner and ceremonial leader, she brings energetic safety and emotional structure for those who gather in healing circles and ceremonies.

Recent Testimonials:

- Lisa Fitzpatrick -

This has been one of the most profoundly supportive and healing journeys I could have undertaken. Beata holds a phenomenally nourishing, safe and transformational space and is a gifted guide. It was an honour to connect with so many women from around the globe and to take this precious time to learn more about our shared experiences. I can’t recommend this more highly.

- Suzanne Vasey -

Beáta Alföldi is a catalyst for upgrading necessary change in your life. She is not for the faint hearted as she dives deep into the uncomfortable, the unseen and the unheard! If you are ready to do the work, Beáta is there to support you like no other, she guides and asks significant questions for releasing old outdated patterns and therefore creates space to rewrite new ideas of how to navigate life’s adventures. I highly recommend Beáta as a facilitator in fast tracking your personal growth, awareness and reaching your A-ha moments with every session. I am forever grateful and in awe of her wisdom, courage, generosity and a big heart that cares so much for your development. Beáta is outstanding in everything she does and is inspiring women just like you to find a better version of themselves. I am grateful for the work I have done with Beáta and continue to do so as I want to reach my highest potential.

- Fyona Coulton -

So many gifts from our time as a group and under your guidance. This has been the most potent and authentic healing experiences of my life. You have shown me how to love with more depth and meaning than I ever thought possible. This has made me stronger yet safely vulnerable, more confident yet humble. You did this by showing us the way, showing up every time and seeing us as we are and loving us big! Thank you Béata for everything.

- Jen Tamez -

I stumbled upon Beata’s web page when searching for a retreat that would focus on deeper spiritual work. I trusted my intuition and flew to Bali where I found exactly what I was looking for….and so much more. I continue to work with her in different ways as our work together evolves for me. She has created such a safe and loving space where my spirit is able to flourish and grow. While there is focus and intention with each session, her approach is open and fluid allowing as much transformation as I am capable of having. I am grateful to have found her as a guide in this lifetime and will continue to work with her in the different ways that show up.

- Anna Idzikowska -

Dear Beáta, Thank you for being there on this journey with me. Challenging, inspiring and encouraging me to be the BEST version of myself that I can be. Thank you for showing me that there is another world that I can access that is rich with wisdom, magic and wonder! Thank you for being your authentic self – for shining your love and light and for standing in your power – as it shows me that I can do the same! Thank you for your love, trust and patience – as I always feel that every word of wisdom, every challenge and all your feedback comes from a place of love and compassion. I feel so blessed for this beautiful connection with you. It’s only the beginning.

- Cassandra Campbell -

Beautiful Beata, Thank you for being you and for all the great things you bring to this world and for those of us who just want more for ourselves. I truly respect all that you do – keep on doing your work. The world truly needs great change. And you show by the power of example the power we can all step into by being true to ourselves and not settling for anything less. Thank you.

- Sarah Brooke -

If you are feeling ready for change & feel drawn to attend one of Beáta’s retreats, workshops or 1:1 shamanic healing sessions; don’t hesitate – just go! She is a phenomenal facilitator and healer who holds such a powerful and sacred space for deep, lasting transformation.

- Sophie Szymanski -

Dearest Beata, Thank you so much for loving ALL of me. Especially the parts that I was ashamed to show anyone else. I have never been so open with anyone before, and your deep compassion has taught me to accept and even love all of me! Because of this mentorship, for the first time in my life I feel unafraid. I feel like whatever comes, I have the courage to face it. No more perfectionism, no more over-thinking; just love and trust. Trust in myself and in the world. I truly wouldn’t be here without your love and guidance. With all my love and gratitude.

- Rebecca Currey -

Dearest Beáta, Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom, your knowledge, your love and your laughter with all of us. I truly admire the way you hold a space with so much power and grace, and your ability to feel into what each woman needs at all times. It’s so inspiring to watch your work and to be part of your space. I’ve truly enjoyed every month of the mentorship program this year; each module growing and expanding upon the other. The womb wisdom I have received is something I will never forget and hold with me forever. I am forever grateful to you. I honour you and the work that you share and I hope this isn’t the end – that it is just the beginning. Much love always.