A Shamanic or Spiritual wedding ceremony reflects your own religious heritage, spiritual beliefs or ancestral lineage – I’d be honoured to assist you to craft a ceremony that reflects this. Whatever it is that you practice, I work with you both to create a ceremony that is truly meaningful, special and unique. A ceremony that references your past, acknowledges the present and blesses your future as partners in life and love.
How a Shamanic Spiritual Wedding Unfolds
A ceremony commences with clearing the area of old energies and making the space sacred so that it can be used for the purpose of intention-setting, commitments and for inviting the energies that you would like to create in your life.
To clear the ceremonial space I use drums, bells, flower essences, smudging and incense, either before your ceremony starts or at the beginning of the ceremony. If you wish, I can smudge you and your guests as they enter the ceremonial space.
Your Circle of Love
In the circle of your ceremony I ask your guests to greet each other as we begin our ceremony and become fully present to witness your declarations of love.
Opening Sacred Space and Blessings
During your ceremony, we ask for the blessings of your ancestors or spiritual guardians on your marriage and on each person present, on your wedding rings and from the 7 directions.
Spiritual Vows
Your marriage vows can reflect your spiritual beliefs and the promises you would like to make to your beloved in this lifetime. Examples of vows may include that you honour the divine in your partner, seek to support them in their spiritual growth and share the delights and challenges of the physical world together. You may like to write your own vows for this which I can assist you with.
Closing the Ceremony
At the end of your ceremony, we give thanks for the love that connects us all and for the couple who stands before us, declaring their love and sharing their happiness. We ask that all carry the joy of this moment in their hearts as they leave the ceremony space to congratulate you. We give thanks to Spirit, the ancestors, our families and friends, our guides and for the land as we close the circle.
~ Karen and Gavin ~
Ideas for Your Spiritual Wedding Ceremony
- The giving by or to your guests of crystals
- Opening sacred space
- Gifting of Lei’s (Hawaii)
- Showering of wishes
- Rituals from your spiritual heritage or culture
- Spiritual readings
- Warming of the rings ceremony
- Water and wine ceremonies
- Wedding blanket ceremony (Hawaii/ Native America)
- The seven steps blessing ceremony (Samskara)
- Bell ringing or singing bowl
- Ritual gift giving
- Candle lighting ceremony
- Sacred chanting or the use of spiritual music
- Ceremonies including sand, roses, rocks, doves or butterflies.

Spiritual Wedding Ceremony ~ Investment

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