Cacao is said to have been discovered by the Olmecs in Mesoamerica 1500 B.C. It was a prized drink to the elite used ritually with prayer to grant energy & power.

It’s health benefits are rich, some of which are anti-carcinogenic, antioxidant, antidepressant, enhances neuro-productivity, improves metabolism of glucose, improves mood, alleviates chronic fatigue syndrome & aids weight loss.

High quality ceremonial grade cacao when provided in an intentional setting is the most beautiful and potent way for the spirit of cacao to be enjoyed; rejoicing in community & an authentic heart felt connection.


Tobacco has been used traditionally for thousands of years in ceremony. The sweet & grounded medicine of Tobacco provides protection of our energetic space, connection to our ancestors and to the Source of all life.

Rapé (shamanic snuff) is tobacco grounded down with the ash of various different Amazonian plants and trees, where the indigenous communities who work this medicine pray over them as they are procured.

While each Rapé medicine has its own unique signature of spirit, healing properties & uses, they all provide an alignment to our own unique energetic imprint and a deep remembering of who we are.

Tobacco offered ceremonially and used with intention, offers a beautiful grounding experience returning a person’s essence to wholeness.


The Cacao Spirit activates the Sacred Fire within, assisting you in burning away old and dense energies.

Cacao renews our connection with Spirit, with our heart, our bodies and with the totality of life.

Madre Cacao holds the vibrations of unconditional love, wisdom, compassion and joy – inviting a deeper and more loving connection with yourself and the world around you.

This is a transformative medicine ceremony, working with the Spirit of Tobacco (masculine energies) and IxCacao (feminine energies) to bring balance to the Divine Union of opposites within.

Through opening the heart, cacao enables us to listen to our innate wisdom, to work through any energetic blockages and past traumas, and to align us with who we truly are.

This evening is an opportunity to set intentions, release what’s no longer serving us, share from our heart space and heal at a deep level.

We will be working with ceremonial grade cacao, tobacco, guided meditations and sound healing to create a potent container for personal transformation.

Beáta will be sharing this ceremony in the Mayan Cacao Tradition, as she has been taught by her Mayan teacher – Walter Quiacain in Guatemala.
Cacao Ceremonies are a centuries-old ritual seen as the ultimate heart-opener. In addition to being full of vitamins and minerals, cacao increases blood flow to the brain which helps to strengthen awareness and focus. It also supports the body to heal, detoxify and to give your immune system an energetic boost.

Cacao & Tobacco Ceremony ~ Investment

Each ceremony is different, special and unique for each situation – so please contact Beáta via Whatsapp (+351) 963 221 302 to discuss requirements, investment and a suitable time to meet regarding your spiritual or shamanic ceremony.

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