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1st-8th September, 2025 8-Day Live-In Retreat,

Internationally Accredited Shamanic Practitioner Training, Portugal

This comprehensive program places shamanic, earth centred practices as important components of your professional practice and as a spiritual pathway and approach to personal development, healing and empowerment.

The focus is on becoming a skilled shamanic practitioner, ceremonial facilitator, sound and energy healer in your own right.

This distinctive accreditation will offer you the foundational tools and practices to facilitate dynamic and potent spaces for ceremonies, circles and group sessions; in a safe, authentic, grounded and professional container.

You will have a chance to work on deepening and understanding your connection to the world of Spirit – as well as cultivating your own archetypal and mythic themes as they relate to becoming a skilled shamanic practitioner.

This program will enhance your professional work and your life in the most remarkable ways. You will have a chance to develop and deepen your shamanic practices and build your spiritual connections to the natural world around you.

This complete training program is underpinned with a commitment by the individual to ongoing professional support, shamanic process work, personal development, authenticity and integrity.

You will also become part of an international community that profoundly supports this journey. Studying the shamanic arts is not about emulating an indigenous culture, it is about remembering who you are at the core, and implementing that in the context of your own work and culture.

It’s about learning how to bring clarity to your vision, and harnessing the powers of creation through Nature, in service to Love. This professional training program gives you the tools for opening that door, and understanding your personal “medicine.”

Becoming a solid shamanic practitioner, potent ceremonialist and space holder, takes many years of practice, commitment and continued work.

The set of tools, practices, ceremonies and processes offered in this internationally accredited training; cultivate a strong and solid foundation for each participant to work from – with awareness, integrity and respect.

If you’re a therapist, psychologist, energy worker, yoga teacher, plant ceremony facilitator or psychedelic therapist – this training is a must for you!

What is Shamanism?

“Over tens of thousands of years, our ancient ancestors all over the world discovered how to maximise human abilities of mind, body and spirit for healing and problem-solving. The remarkable system of methods they developed is today known as “shamanism,” a term that comes from a Siberian tribal word for its practitioners: “shaman” (pronounced SHAH-MAHN). Shamans are especially distinguished by the use of journeys to hidden worlds otherwise mainly known through myth, dream, and near-death experiences.”
~Michael Harner ~

Training Program Outline:




In this introduction module, you will be given an outline of what Shamanism is. You will learn about core shamanism as a healing system, a path of ancient wisdom, a practical philosophy, a spiritual discipline, and a way of life. The shamanic path is the path of the heart and soul. It is a path of beauty, wholeness, personal power, awareness, sacred living and connection with the totality of life. It is a path where the central focus of life is creating balance, harmony, impeccability, beauty and wholeness.


  • Understand core concepts of Shamanism
  • Explore shamanic tools for everyday living
  • Ethics & right use of power
  • Walking between worlds and shapeshifting
  • Learn how to become a ‘Hollow Bone’
  • Shamanic tools to enhance any therapeutic or group practice




In this module you will be working with and learning how to walk the Medicine Wheel for healing, transformation, awakening and empowerment. The Medicine Wheel is a metaphor for life. It is a powerful tool to deepen your understanding of self, honour your connection to all beings, and walk in balance and beauty with Spirit and with Nature. You will also learn how to build and work with a medicine bundle (mesa) from the Andean tradition and become a mesa carrier; to heal, awaken and step into your full creative potential.


  • Teachings of the Andean Medicine Wheel
  • Understanding spirit allies, animal totems, guardians of the land & elementals
  • Working with the medicine wheel in client sessions and ceremonies
  • Using the medicine wheel for healing, divination and empowerment
  • How to build and work with a Mesa or medicine bundle
  • Learn how each item in your mesa represents a wound that has been transformed into a source of wisdom, power and courage




In this module there will be a focus on learning how to create sacred space in the context of sacred ceremony and ritual practices. Opening and closing sacred space is a ritual practice used in ceremonies by all earth honouring people in all parts of the world. It is an invitation for support, protection and guidance from the spiritual realms. It allows the practitioner to step into the world of the intangible to perform healings, retrieve soul pieces, and create beautiful ceremonies.


  • Understand the principles to create sacred space
  • Learn to work with animal, spirit and plant guides
  • The importance of psychic protection & grounding
  • Psychopomp work in ceremony
  • Perceiving Spirit – malignant and benevolent
  • The use of different herbs and practices to cleanse space
  • Trauma Informed space holding skills
  • The importance of preparation and integration practices




In this module you will understand the importance and value of working with power animals and how totems – plant, animal and spirit – are an essential component of all shamanic practices. They are the helping spirits which add to the power of the individual and are essential for success in any venture undertaken in life. In Shamanism the belief is that everyone has power animals and allies – animal & plant spirits which reside with each individual, adding to their power and protecting them from illness and misfortune.


  • Develop skills to facilitate a shamanic journey to the ‘upper, middle and lower’ worlds
  • Create the foundations for effective, safe & intentional shamanic journeying
  • Access vital information from other levels of reality
  • Connect with your spirit team, totem animals, plant allies & benevolent ancestors
  • Learn to work with the drum and rattle in shamanic journeying
  • Identify core wounds, reclaim lost power and awaken your inner wisdom




In this module you will explore the importance of shadow work in terms of shamanism and healing. The personal shadow is the disowned self. It represents the parts of us we no longer claim to be our own, including inherent positive qualities. Our shadow is everything inside us that we have disowned, avoided, and kept in the dark. We all turn away from pain at some stage in our life – yet when we come to understand that all pain is a doorway to our awakening – authentic healing & transformation can occur.


  • Shadow work in shamanism
  • Dark nights of the soul
  • Repression of the shadow
  • Gifts of the shadow
  • Spiritual emergence and shadow work
  • Understand: projection, transference, identification & social masks




In this module, you will be learning how to read, heal, cleanse and work with the chakra systems of the body. An important part of shamanic healing training is also learning extraction healing methods – including how to see, sense, and remove localised illness and pain connected to spiritual, emotional and mental factors. Our physical form is enclosed in an auric field, or a luminous light body that acts as an energetic immune system, keeping harmful and toxic energies out, while facilitating the flow of our natural life force.


  • Understanding the chakra energy system
  • Learn how to clear & remove negative intrusions
  • Psychic perception and awareness
  • Basic counselling skills
  • The importance of grounding & energetic protection
  • Working with focussing (the felt-sense)




In this module, you will understand and practice the art of working with earth energies and principles of ecopsychology for divination, healing and wellbeing. Learn how to read, clear and bless homes, landscapes and bodies of water. Understand the importance of ritual and ceremony to mark important occasions and rites of passage – after a long illness, a separation, birth, death, moving homes, buying land, or a traumatic event. Ceremonies are at the core of all shamanic and earth centred practices.


  • Learn to read and heal negative energy on land and water
  • Assist lost souls to cross over
  • Learn principles of ecopsychology
  • Working with the elements – fire, air, water, earth
  • Understand various earth-centred practices
  • Honouring the land, elementals, guardians, ancestors and spirits




In this module, learn how to work with the shamanic drum, rattle and your authentic voice to heal, move energy, or open and close sacred space. The drum is a primal instrument; it is the sound of a heartbeat. This sound is embedded in your cells, in your DNA. There are differences in using the rattle, drum or your voice – they each feel different to your physical and energetic system and they will create different energetic vibrations in the space you’re working. Drums and rattles are the primary tools that we use in all journey work.


  • Understanding the role of sound in healing
  • How to use the drum for healing
  • Learn to open and close sacred space through sound
  • When to use the shamanic rattle
  • The use of voice in a ceremonial context
  • Become a clear vessel for your authentic voice




In this module, you will realise that all time, space and healing exist in the ever-present now.

Change life for the better by altering family patterns that have been passed down for generations with a healing technique called ‘Ancestral Lineage Clearing’. Our past, and our family’s past – influence our present and future. Our ancestors’ DNA runs through our physical body, and their emotional and energetic patterns continue flowing in our lives unless we take responsibility for clearing unhealthy patterns of behaviour.


  • Change dysfunctional family patterns
  • Work with ancestral lineage clearing techniques
  • Release habitual patterns and stories
  • Reclaim the power to heal your past, present and future
  • The importance of forgiveness in ancestral healing
  • Honouring your ancestors through ritual & ceremony




From the shamanic worldview, when we are intimately connected to another, our energy bodies start to blend together and filaments from our light bodies become entwined together. This ancient shamanic practice is used to restore your light body to its original state of being. Cord-cutting is a spiritual healing process that energetically severs a negative attachment between you and another person, so that the shadow aspect of that past relationship does not linger or affect your life in the present.


  • Understand the different types of energetic cords we create
  • Why cord-cutting is a necessary healing practice
  • Learn various techniques & tools for cutting cords
  • Understanding the negative impact of energetic attachments
  • Introduction to energetic boundaries
  • The power of engaging in forgiveness practices




Soul retrieval is based on the shamanic notion that each of us has a whole and perfect soul. When we experience trauma, the soul can fragment, leaving aspects of itself to exist inter-dimensionally in other realms. Soul retrieval work is the process of tracking these fragments and returning them to the person receiving the healing. Soul retrieval is recommended for anyone experiencing feelings of just “not being all there”, depression, trauma, illness or shock. It is a form of shamanic healing & release work that allows a person to move forward and live a life of fulfillment.


  • Why the soul fragments
  • Learn how to retrieve lost soul aspects
  • Reclaim the power to influence your past, present and future
  • Alter issues concerning prosperity, relationships, health & career
  • Clear negative patterns and programs from your life
  • Understand the impact of past energetic imprints




By exploring and utilising methods of observation other than merely the five senses, the shamanic practitioner can discern the forces that drive not only the universe, but also the individual sentient beings that live within it. We initially explore the limits, potential, and function of each element of the body, mind, emotions and soul. We apply these elements of self by allowing the soul to express cleanly and clearly through our bodies and into the world. The shamanic path is a path of radical honesty, requiring us to see what we observe, as it is – not just how we want it to be.


  • Understand different types of extra-sensory perception
  • Divination tools for healing and empowerment
  • Know how you navigate the world of the intangible
  • Learn to read and sense energy
  • Connecting to your guides, ancestors, allies & totems
  • Learn to trust in the body’s wisdom

Who Will Benefit From This Work?

Individuals who are drawn to shamanism and earth-centred practices to enhance their own and others wellbeing – as well as holistic practitioners, group facilitators and health care professionals.


  • Therapists in any modality – for example: massage therapists, reiki practitioners, energy healers, yoga teachers, nurses, hypnotherapists, doctors, psychologists, care workers, group facilitators, teachers, marriage celebrants & life-coaches
  • Individuals wanting to deepen their connection to self, nature and spirit
  • People interested in personal transformation, spirituality, empowerment and healing
  • People who are looking at shamanism to enhance their lives: both personally and professionally
  • People who are willing to approach their health differently, discovering new ways to take care of their emotional, spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing
  • Spiritual seekers looking to work with shamanism and earth-centred practices to understand the causes of illness — both in themselves and others — and to heal those imbalances on a spiritual, physical or emotional level
  • All who wish to awaken more fully to the sacred dimension of life – and to breathe the spirit of love and beauty into daily living


This is a hands-on, world-first professional training program. In this 8-day retreat you will learn about core shamanic practices, understand how to navigate extrasensory perceptual states, work with drum journeys effectively, understand your spiritual team, learn how to hold safe and grounded ceremonial spaces, discover what affects wellbeing and disease in the body and mind, release limiting thoughts and beliefs, and support a return to balance, wellness and harmony within an individual.


You will gain confidence in integrating earth centred practices using a shamanic approach to any coaching, clinical, group facilitation or natural health practice. This work will support clients in their growth, personal transformation and authentic healing. From a clinical point of view, this program will also help any practitioner in the treatment of many conditions using shamanic practices as a complimentary or primary modality.


This is a sacred journey into the heart of remembering who you truly are. It is about reclaiming the “knowing” of your original intuitive self, remembering how to listen to your inner guidance, and living from the authenticity of your heart and soul.

We all have stories from the past that define us in limited ways, and we each come from cultures that shape our values, ethics, and morality – stifling this internal knowing and derailing us from our original callings.

Come join me on this journey, it will transform and enhance your life in remarkable ways!

“There is a world beyond ours, a world that is far away, nearby and invisible.”
– Maria Sabina-


There are 12 modules, each one being 3x hours in duration. I will also facilitate a 2x hour online integration session via zoom after the program is complete to assess how each person is going with the work.

Is there any equipment or product being used?
Each participant will have to bring their own shamanic frame drum.

This program is accredited with the International Energetic Healing Association.

Here is the link to the Membership benefits:

Venue Highlights:

Quinta de São José dos Montes is a stunning retreat centre which offers different types of accommodation to suit every budget, taste and need. It is close to Castelo de Bode Lake and features an outdoor pool, magnificent gardens, and is situated amongst wild nature and mountains. The closest town to the retreat centre is Tomar, which is about 120km northeast of Lisbon. Tomar is the most important place of the Templar History in the whole world, since it has preserved an imposing castle and church, practically intact. The Order of the Temple existed from 1118 to 1308. Tomar is a historically outstanding town in the Ribatejo region of central Portugal. Straddling the banks of the River Nabão. Tomar has narrow cobbled streets and a whole host of appealing buildings. It is also home to one of the most important architectural and religious monuments in the country – the Convento de Cristo, former headquarters of the Knights Templar. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this magnificent monastery and its associated castle sit in a commanding position on a wooded hill overlooking the town. Accommodation ranges from private apartments to dormitories with shared bathroom facilities and Mongolian Yurts. The village of Montes Albufeira is 900 meters from Quinta de São José. The Templar city of Tomar is 15 km away and Ferreira do Zêzere is 7 km from the farm.


There are six options to choose from to suit every budget and preference.

  1. Rural Tourism has four apartments with kitchenettes, which surround the pool area, with stunning views of the hills. 1x budget apartment (vanilla apartment) – 1 or 2 x people/ apartment – 70€/ night 2x one bedroom apartments available (blue or yellow apartment) – 1 or 2 x people/ apartment – 80€/ apartment/ night 1x two bedroom apartment available (green apartment) – 2 or 4 x people/ apartment – 130€/ apartment/ night
  2. Main House – 4x rooms with private bathrooms – 3x rooms with double beds, (main room with bathtub) and 1x room with 2x single beds – 80€/ night
  3. Mongolian Yurts – 5 Yurts available – especially for people with special tastes and a love of nature. It consists of five yurts. The Mongolian Yurts each have ecological bathrooms. 1 x Double or 2 x Single Beds available – Sleeps 1-2 people – 60€/ per yurt/ night.
  4. Dormitory – Consists of 10 BEDS in the same area as the Main House, where you can enjoy the magnificent gardens and its centuries-old trees. Single Bed in Dormitory with shared bathroom (male and female dorms are separate) – Sleeps 10 people – 25€/ per person/ night
  5. Domes – 5 Domes available – Fabulous dome structures with a private bathtub and basin (shared toilet). 1 x Double or 2 x Single Beds available – Sleeps 1-2 people – 80€/night.
  6. 11 x Bell Tents with ecological bathrooms, in a privileged space also with views of the Reservoir. Sleeps 1-2 people – 50€/ night

Please Note: Email me after you’d placed a deposit to book which accommodation type you would like to choose from. Bookings for accommodation preferences will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.



The diet for our retreat is vegetarian – which we modify slightly with the occasional egg dish. Our meals are all organic, fresh from the garden and homemade. We work with regional fruit, vegetables and herbs in novel and traditional combinations.

*If you have special dietary needs, advise us and we’ll work with you.



CAR HIRE: You can hire a car from Lisbon Airport and travel across the A1 toll expressway in about 1.5 hours to reach our retreat centre in Tomar.

TRAIN: Lisbon to Tomar train services operate daily by Comboios De Portugal and will cost about €9 – €13 and takes approximately 2 hours. You can go via the public train service from Santa Apolónia Train Station in Lisbon, which is at the edge of the Alfama district. Once you arrive at Tomar, you can take a taxicab to the retreat centre – it will take about 20 minutes.

Retreat Centre Address:
Quinta de São José dos Montes
Estrada Dos Montes,
Nº134 2300-087 Olalhas – Tomar,


+351 917 935 392




€1,680 EURO

  • RETREAT PRICING – Includes all shamanic workshops & modules, preparations, integrations, work processes & is inclusive of all meals for the duration of the retreat.
  • Click the button below to secure your place via STRIPE.
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A non-refundable deposit of 420€ then 3x payments of 420€ each
  • FULL PAYMENT: 1,680€


*** Please note: Make sure you have read my conditions of refund and cancellation for all my events. By clicking on the button ADD TO CART, you agree to my Terms and Conditions.



Beáta is an international retreat leader, medicine woman, workshop facilitator, author, shamanic practitioner, sound healer, ceremonial leader, seer and keynote speaker with a gift for assisting individuals through deep transformation.

Beáta created the Integral Woman program for the Awareness Institute in Sydney, where she completed a two-year diploma in Shamanic and Energetic healing. She has also lived in Peru and studied with various curanderos (healers) of the Amazon and Andes.

Beáta facilitates private sessions, workshops, online mentorship programs and international retreats, and is regularly invited to be a keynote speaker and workshop facilitator at many festivals, events and seminars.

Beáta was invited to contribute a chapter to the book; Shamanism for the New Millennium, which became an Amazon #1 Bestseller. She is also featured in the upcoming documentary film – ‘Women of Heart’, which is due to be released globally.

Beáta is a grounded facilitator who is both empathic, loving and decisive in her approach to group and individual interactions.

A lifetime explorer of diverse wisdom traditions, Beáta shares her work with the larger community – holding regular events, ceremonies, training programs & workshops – which encompass a wide range of her lifetime experiences and training.

Beáta creates grounded and transformational spaces that offer evolutionary opportunities to others for growth, and is used to working with the deepest wounds in people – emotional and otherwise. She is considered by many to be a ‘spiritual midwife’, and helps people to birth their authentic nature.

Beáta also has a profound aptitude with shadow work which enables people to embrace their own shadow and step into their creative potential – using techniques that are both deeply healing, empowering and transformative.

Beáta has not only experienced, but has also healed and transformed her life from enormous grief and challenges – including the loss of her only son in childbirth. She is a compassionate, wise, grounded, fierce and loving guide for your journey.

Beáta currently lives between Mexico and Europe, and is passionate about inspiring individuals to live a life that is authentic, free, empowered and radiantly alive!

Professional Qualifications:
Beáta has a Bachelor of Arts (Dance), Diploma in Shamanic and Energetic Healing, Certificate in Yoga Teaching and have trained in Mind-Body Counselling, Shamanic Counselling, Eco-psychology, Shamanic Earth-Centred Practices, Soul-Centred Healing, Transpersonal Coaching, Crystal Therapy, Ceremonial Work, Meditation and Plant Medicines.

Recent Testimonials:

- Celine Bachelet -

I am deeply grateful for all the synchronicities that have brought me to Portugal, to participate in this shamanic practitioner training. I have been amazed by the quality of presence, of depth, of wisdom and knowledge that Beata has gathered for so many years. Since then, I have reconnected to my intuition, my inner power, and I feel even more connected to my purpose with the right tools, guidance and amazing new friends all around the world. Thank you for doing this work, the way you do it!

- Hannah de Waal -

I don’t normally use the word magic, but that’s exactly what this training was. We connected to the magic of the earth, and to the magic each one of us carries within. I feel blessed to be leaving this training in deeper relationship with the elements, with my spirit allies, and with a new soul family.

Beata holds an impeccable space that is balanced, sensitive, and grounded in integrity. Her strong presence and embodiment bring every teaching to the next level. Simply witnessing Beata’s way of being is inspiring, and will continue to inspire my work in sacred spaces. With her guidance I feel supported to connect with the gifts I am meant to share with the world, and empowered to share them responsibly.

- Tula Mirjan -

The Shamanic Accredited Practitioner Training Retreat with Beata Alfoldi was unlike anything else I have experienced. The tribe, the unconditional love, the lack of judgement, the respect and the support that was cultivated by Beata and supported by all who listened to the call to attend is only a true reflection of the power and beauty of this dear Medicine Woman. In a span of 8 days, I found a community, I’ve grown in my practice and reached new milestones in my healing. I learned in-depth & practical skills and practices, I learned to use my voice and found my way back to music again, and I learned how to consciously and intentionally connect with nature and all that surrounds me again. This training with Beata gave me the confidence I was missing to shine, to fully flow and be in my light and in my heart, without shame and without fear. Thank you, dearest Beata, I appreciate you and your work!

- Nayeli Lavenderos -

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to participate in Beata’s Shamanic Practitioner Training. This journey was a profound life-changing experience. Beata has the beautiful ability to create a safe, sacred space filled with wisdom, authenticity, integrity, humour, respect, and beauty. This nurturing environment allowed me to delve deep within myself, exploring and healing different personal topics. Throughout the training, I found myself consistently pushed beyond my comfort zone, which created space for unexpected and transformative gifts to manifest. I really loved that each session provided the opportunity to put our new skills into practice. This training left me feeling more connected to my inner wisdom and to the spiritual realm. It has brought me into deeper alignment with my path and has cultivated within me a profound reverence and respect for this magical path.

- Pamela Steel – Australia, 2022 -

Lots and lots of gratitude to you Beata, for sharing your wisdom so generously. I want to acknowledge your authenticity and integrity; and the spiritual impeccability with which you hold this sacred space for us, with so much beauty, fierceness, fearlessness and humour, as we navigate the light and pleasurable as well as the darker and heavier aspects of this training. I love how you just say it, like it is. You are an inspiration shining your light so brightly.

- Laura Street, Australia 2022 -

This training not only provided me with sharper clarity on my greater vision but also the very next steps to take, while seeing huge shifts and refinements in my own personal development and daily life. You are an incredible teacher in your field Beata, no one I know can deliver in such a clear, concise, high vibe and authentic way whilst holding us all in such a tight safe container. Thank you from the depths of my being!

- Jeremy Elliot - Mexico, 2021 -

I attended a week-long Shamanic Practitioner’s Training with Beata, which was amazing from start to finish. Every session included opportunities to practice and hone the skills that we were being taught. I was amazed at discovering abilities I didn’t realize I had, and Beata did a beautiful job of creating a sacred and safe space for developing these skills. It truly felt like a life-changing week, and I am very grateful for the opportunity to attend such a wonderful retreat.

- Ernie Flores - Mexico, 2021 -

Beata’s 8-day Shamanic Practitioner training blew my mind and altered the course of my life in every way. I’m now preparing for a new career pathway as a Shamanic Practitioner. Previous to this I’ve been a mental health therapist for the past 20+ years. Each day of the training pushed me way out of my comfort zone and into new places inside myself. I absolutely loved that the training was not only about learning new shamanic skills, but it was a very deep healing experience for me. This soul work supported me with letting go of things that no longer served me, my heart opened like never before, and it deepened my connection to spirit. I feel so much more connected to myself and with the people I love. This training was such a gift and an invaluable investment. I plan to attend more of Beata’s offerings in the future.

- Lala Scriven – Mexico, 2021 -

Having the opportunity to participate in Beata’s Shamanic Practitioner Training was more than I expected. Beata is a highly trained intuitive healer and facilitator. The training in itself was amazing as I learned and experienced the magnificence of these ancient medicines from the earth. As well as the powerful impact that sound healing through breath and instruments can invoke. I did not expect to receive the much needed deep self-healing during the week, nor did I know how much support I would offer to others on their journeys. I gathered many tools that I will incorporate in my own life and integrate with my clients to further their healing path. I highly recommend Beata and her workshops and/or ceremonies that she offers as you won’t be disappointed. I look forward to experiencing another one in the new future.

- Ramona Klein – Mexico, 2021 -

I’ve been doing some more reflection of the shamanic practitioner training today and I want to thank you again from the bottom of my heart for sharing these powerful wisdoms, holding such a profound sacred space so my soul could learn, grow & expand.

You have no idea how much it helped me to believe in me, trusting in myself and claiming my power back. These teachings brought me back home to myself. I feel such a wholeness and peace since then. Tears of gratitude rolling down my cheeks and I let them transmute into expansive love, blessings & radiant joy – infinite gratitude to you.

- Lisa Fitzpatrick -

This has been one of the most profoundly supportive and healing journeys I could have undertaken. Beata holds a phenomenally nourishing, safe and transformational space and is a gifted guide. It was an honour to connect with so many women from around the globe and to take this precious time to learn more about our shared experiences. I can’t recommend this more highly.

- Suzanne Vasey -

Beáta Alföldi is a catalyst for upgrading necessary change in your life. She is not for the faint hearted as she dives deep into the uncomfortable, the unseen and the unheard! If you are ready to do the work, Beáta is there to support you like no other, she guides and asks significant questions for releasing old outdated patterns and therefore creates space to rewrite new ideas of how to navigate life’s adventures. I highly recommend Beáta as a facilitator in fast tracking your personal growth, awareness and reaching your A-ha moments with every session. I am forever grateful and in awe of her wisdom, courage, generosity and a big heart that cares so much for your development. Beáta is outstanding in everything she does and is inspiring women just like you to find a better version of themselves. I am grateful for the work I have done with Beáta and continue to do so as I want to reach my highest potential.

- Fyona Coulton -

So many gifts from our time as a group and under your guidance. This has been the most potent and authentic healing experiences of my life. You have shown me how to love with more depth and meaning than I ever thought possible. This has made me stronger yet safely vulnerable, more confident yet humble. You did this by showing us the way, showing up every time and seeing us as we are and loving us big! Thank you Béata for everything.

- Jen Tamez -

I stumbled upon Beata’s web page when searching for a retreat that would focus on deeper spiritual work. I trusted my intuition and flew to Bali where I found exactly what I was looking for….and so much more. I continue to work with her in different ways as our work together evolves for me. She has created such a safe and loving space where my spirit is able to flourish and grow. While there is focus and intention with each session, her approach is open and fluid allowing as much transformation as I am capable of having. I am grateful to have found her as a guide in this lifetime and will continue to work with her in the different ways that show up.

- Anna Idzikowska -

Dear Beáta, Thank you for being there on this journey with me. Challenging, inspiring and encouraging me to be the BEST version of myself that I can be. Thank you for showing me that there is another world that I can access that is rich with wisdom, magic and wonder! Thank you for being your authentic self – for shining your love and light and for standing in your power – as it shows me that I can do the same! Thank you for your love, trust and patience – as I always feel that every word of wisdom, every challenge and all your feedback comes from a place of love and compassion. I feel so blessed for this beautiful connection with you. It’s only the beginning.

- Cassandra Campbell -

Beautiful Beata, Thank you for being you and for all the great things you bring to this world and for those of us who just want more for ourselves. I truly respect all that you do – keep on doing your work. The world truly needs great change. And you show by the power of example the power we can all step into by being true to ourselves and not settling for anything less. Thank you.

- Sarah Brooke -

If you are feeling ready for change & feel drawn to attend one of Beáta’s retreats, workshops or 1:1 shamanic healing sessions; don’t hesitate – just go! She is a phenomenal facilitator and healer who holds such a powerful and sacred space for deep, lasting transformation.

- Sophie Szymanski -

Dearest Beata, Thank you so much for loving ALL of me. Especially the parts that I was ashamed to show anyone else. I have never been so open with anyone before, and your deep compassion has taught me to accept and even love all of me! Because of this mentorship, for the first time in my life I feel unafraid. I feel like whatever comes, I have the courage to face it. No more perfectionism, no more over-thinking; just love and trust. Trust in myself and in the world. I truly wouldn’t be here without your love and guidance. With all my love and gratitude.

- Rebecca Currey -

Dearest Beáta, Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom, your knowledge, your love and your laughter with all of us. I truly admire the way you hold a space with so much power and grace, and your ability to feel into what each woman needs at all times. It’s so inspiring to watch your work and to be part of your space. I’ve truly enjoyed every month of the mentorship program this year; each module growing and expanding upon the other. The womb wisdom I have received is something I will never forget and hold with me forever. I am forever grateful to you. I honour you and the work that you share and I hope this isn’t the end – that it is just the beginning. Much love always.